Why Are Humans Dying More Than Animals? A Naturopathic Perspective

People are getting sicker and sicker everyday, people are dying each and every minute. Have you notice that too? But have you taken the time to ask yourself why people are dying more than animals?

In today's world, people are exposed to numerous environmental toxins and pollutants, leading to a rise in chronic diseases and mortality rates. In contrast, animals are not experiencing such a drastic increase in mortality. From a naturopathic point of view, this can be attributed to several reasons.

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Why Are Humans Dying More Than Animals? A Naturopathic Perspective

Firstly, animals follow their natural instincts and stick to a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, which is essential for maintaining good health. On the other hand, humans are increasingly consuming processed and junk food, which is laden with chemicals and preservatives. These substances are not only devoid of essential nutrients but also contain toxins that can cause long-term damage to the body.

Secondly, animals lead an active lifestyle, which keeps them fit and healthy. In contrast, humans are increasingly leading a sedentary lifestyle, which is leading to numerous health problems like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Lack of physical activity can lead to a host of health issues, including poor circulation, weak immunity, and organ dysfunction.

Thirdly, animals are more in tune with nature and live in a more symbiotic relationship with their environment. They are exposed to fewer toxins and pollutants, and their bodies are better equipped to deal with these toxins. In contrast, humans are increasingly living in urban environments, where they are exposed to a plethora of environmental toxins and pollutants that their bodies are not equipped to handle. The increased exposure to toxins can lead to chronic diseases like cancer, autoimmune disorders, and neurological diseases.

Lastly, animals have a more balanced and natural stress response system. They respond to stress in the moment and then return to a state of calm. In contrast, humans are increasingly living in a constant state of stress, which leads to chronic stress and inflammation. Chronic stress can lead to a host of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression.

Animals have a more balanced and natural lifestyle, which helps them maintain good health and longevity. In contrast, humans are increasingly exposed to toxins, pollutants, and a sedentary lifestyle, leading to chronic diseases and early mortality. By following a more natural lifestyle, including a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, regular physical activity, and stress management techniques, humans can take steps to improve their health and longevity.


Words From Dr. Appiah

We are not taking good care of our bodies. Now, we eat whatever that comes our way without asking the nutritional value, the benefits
and the ugly effects the food is going to bring forth.

We are digging our own graves: by eating whatever we want. We eat processed foods, fatty foods, fried foods, a lot of meat, canned foods, a lot of sugar etc, and still want to live healthy? It doesn't work like that, stay away from these "deadly foods" if you want to live longer.

Fruits and vegetables have been branded as "the poor man's food" but they are rather enjoying good health whereas those that call themselves "rich" visit the hospital almost every month. It's a pity.

The driver (Let me say a good driver) wakes up in the morning, checks his car, before moving it. Do you assess yourself to see if you are healthy and strong before you go to work? No, we get up without even saying a prayer and off we go.

What Should I do?

Well, if you ask me my answer has always been to: 
  • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Drink lots of water
  • Breathe quality air
  • Exercise more
  • Practice temperance
  • Rest
  • Have good amount of morning sunshine (Good for strong bones)
  • To trust in God


The best Doctor is yourself, have time for yourself, eat well, live longer. Take your health very seriously.

Dr. Enock Appiah (Naturopath)

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    METHUSELAH James June 12, 2021 at 7:02 AM

    Very true doctor✍️✍️✍️we need to reform seriously to save our precious life🌈🌈πŸ’₯πŸ’₯✍️✍️

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