Recipe: 13 Health Benefits of Eating Garlic Soup

The health benefit of garlic is one of its kind. Garlic is believed to be 100 times more efficient than two antibiotics pills that people have been taking. Moreover, it is also believed to reject all viruses, especially by chemical content of allicin in it. Allicin itself plays a role in lowering cholesterol, anti-clotting, anti-hypertension, anti-cancer, anti-oxidants and anti-microbial.

                               Health Benefits of Eating Garlic Soup

In addition, a study by Washington University showed that garlic is 100 times more efficient than two antibiotics that are known to combat bacterial or viral diseases, and overcome food-borne diseases.

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Garlic is known as the additional ingredients in cooking recipe to make it becomes more delicious and fragrant. However, do you know that garlic has many health benefits? Let’s check the nutrition information of garlic to know that its various nutrients can be very useful in improving body condition.

100 gr Garlic Soup Contains

83 calories

2 g fats

15 mg cholesterols

124 mg sodium

13 g carbohydrates

1 g sugars

2 g protein

16.7 IU vitamin A

0.6 mg vitamin C

1 IU vitamin D

0.1 mg vitamin E

0.2 mcg vitamin K

0.1 mg riboflavin

1.4 mg niacin

0.1 mg vitamin B6

5.7 mcg folate

14.8 mg choline

6.3 mg calcium

0.2 mg iron

3.8 mg magnesium

29 mg phosphorus

96.4 mg potassium

124 mg sodium

0.2 mg zinc

0.1 mg copper

2.6 mcg selenium

Health Benefits of Garlic Soup

Here are the health benefits of eating garlic soup:

Relieve Cold and Flu Symptoms

The great benefit of a bowl of garlic soup is able to relive cold and flu symptoms such as coughs, nausea, bloating, nasal congestion, etc. Garlic contains essential oils that are useful as anti-bacterial and antiseptic. The anti-bacterial works against the bacteria and viruses that cause colds and flu. It is very useful to consume especially in the rainy season. Besides that it is able to warm your body from cold.

Norvirus is a virus that attacks the digestive tract causing infections and causes people getting vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Nor-virus spreads easily, by hand contact, objects, feces or vomit (cross contamination) of a patient.

Rich in Nutrients and Low in Calories

Garlic contains excellent substances and is needed by the body such as vitamins and minerals. Some of the vitamins contained in garlic are Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B1. In addition, garlic is also rich in manganese, selenium, and fiber. Garlic is considered a very healthy food because it contains all the nutrients the body needs even in small amounts such as calcium, potassium, and iron.

Improve Immune System

Benefits of garlic for health have been known since thousands years ago. Garlic can improve the immune system. This is one of the reasons why people the use of garlic in various kinds of foods including garlic soup.

In the rainy and cold seasons, people are more susceptible to various diseases generally suffering from cold and flu symptoms. Garlic can help clear the airways of cough and phlegm. Thus, there are many health benefits of eating garlic soup.

Natural Remedy

Garlic is part of the onions which is the most basic and often used as cooking ingredient. Historically, garlic is more commonly used in prescription drugs or for health benefits in Egyptian and Greek civilizations. Due to its various nutritional contents, garlic is claimed to be able to help overcome various diseases. Garlic can be consumed directly. The process of exfoliation and destruction of garlic is useful for removing nutrients in it.

ALSO READ: Garlic: Worth The Bad Breath

Treat Nausea Symptoms

In addition to improve the immune system, garlic is also able to relieve nausea and cough. Research shows that garlic can reduce cough symptoms by up to 70%. If you already have symptoms of cough, dizziness, and nausea it’s good to immediately consume garlic. For a more refreshing sensation, you can make a warm soup with a variety of vegetables rich in nutrients that are good for the body.

Fight Against Cancer

Recently, researchers found that garlic is beneficial for preventing cancer. Recent research for garlic is a benefit in preventing cancer. Garlic can increase the production of hydrogen sulfide which is an anti-cancer substance and effective in preventing various kinds of cancer such as breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.

In addition to cancer, garlic is also able to slow the formation of tumors in the colon. Therefore, consuming garlic soup is very good for preventing cancer. (15 Early Warning Signs That Cancer is Growing Inside Your Body: #3 Will Shock You)

Lower High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a major factor in cardiovascular disease such as heart attack and stroke. Research shows that garlic contains substances that affect blood pressure. Garlic helps to reduce blood pressure if consumed intense and routine.

The effects of garlic in lowering blood pressure can even match some medications. To achieve this, you need to consume a lot of garlic or about four suing per day. You can consume it in the form of soup since garlic soup use lots of garlic as the main ingredients. (7 Herbs That Are Used In The Management Of High Blood Pressure)

Skin and Hair Treatment

Besides, benefits of papaya seeds for hair growth and treatment, garlic is also able to make your physical appearance more maximal by maintaining healthy skin and hair. Garlic content protects your skin from free radical attacks that can cause premature aging. For those of you with eczema, you can also use garlic as your daily routine. For those of you who want healthy hair and scalp, you can massage the scalp with garlic extract.

garlic benefits

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Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

It has been mentioned that garlic is useful for reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This is caused by the content of garlic called Allicin. Allicin is able to regulate blood sugar levels and blood pressure. To remove the allicin content contained in garlic, you need to peel, scrape, or chop the garlic. This substance will not come out if you eat or cook garlic in full.

Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are necessary to fight free radicals that can be encountered in air pollution. Free radicals can make premature aging whose symptoms can be wrinkles on the face. Antioxidants are also needed to repair and maintain brain and nerve cells. Therefore, garlic soup is considered able to reduce the risk or keep the body from brain and nerve diseases such as Alzheimer’s that attack and kill brain cells.


Works as Detoxification

Unnecessary substances need to be removed from the body like the metal content that may be obtained from food consumed. To remove it, it is needed detoxification process. Garlic, in high doses can help the process of detoxifying waste substances. Research proves that garlic soup is able to remove various kinds of toxins in the body that can reduce blood pressure and symptoms of dizziness. (Simple Detoxification Method That Removes Toxins)


Garlic contains essential oils that are useful as anti-bacterial and antiseptic. The anti-bacterial works against the bacteria and viruses that cause colds and flu. (Herbal Antibiotics – Using Herbs to Fight Infection and Speed Healing)

Garlic is not only delicious but also beneficial. Some of the above are the benefits that can be obtained from the consumption of garlic soup. Besides, making it as soup you can also add it into your recipe or cooking. Not only beneficial when garlic is made into soup but it is useful when it consume freshly as well. Eating garlic freshly provides health benefits of eating fresh garlic.

What You Need

  • 50 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 onions
  • 1 tablespoon fresh crop (Thyimus vulgaris L) then chop it smoothly
  • 6 cups of chicken broth (250 ml)
  • Adequate fresh herbs: thyme, parsley, bay leaf
  • 3 cups of plain bread

                           Garlic soup health benefits

What You Have to Do

Preheat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, sliced ​​garlic and then mixed with olive oil. Both materials are then wrapped with aluminium foil sheets. After that, put the wrap into the pan; put it into the oven for 90 minutes. After it has been put in the oven, let it chill.

On the other hand, mix two tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons of butter in the soup pot, plus the chicken broth, and then heat it in medium temperature. Add the sliced ​​onion along with butter and olive oil, and then cook for 10 minutes by stirring frequently.

The next step is put the garlic and olive oil into the mixture. Shake gently, then sprinkle chopped thyme, parsley, and bay leaf.

Do not forget to lower the temperature as you insert a piece of bread into the mixture. Wait five minutes until the bread becomes soft.

Blend all the mixtures until it becomes semi-cream soup. After that, put it back into the soup pot and add sour cream, slat, and pepper to enrich the flavour or taste.

Your garlic soup is now ready to eat.

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