5 Powerful Things that Happens to Your Body When You Eat Cauliflower

5 Powerful Things that Happens to Your Body When You Eat Cauliflower

The color green is considered to be healthful in the food industry. We even advise people to "eat their greens." And with good reason; the presence of carotenoids is what gives many veggies their green hue (which are strong antioxidants). Chlorophyll may be found in the majority of green foods (which helps fight off cancer and increases liver and detox functions in the body). Which is important, right? However, many veggies that aren't green are often thought to be less nutrient-dense. Cauliflower is one example of such a food.

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Health Benefits that Cauliflower Has On Your Body

While cauliflower does lack the green color (because its leaves cover themselves while growing which blocks sunlight) thus, no chlorophyll. However, there are other nutritional benefits of cauliflower that we should not overlook! There are five main benefits to consuming cauliflower… let us look at them a little closer!

1. Cardiovascular & Renal Support

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane. Researchers point to sulforaphane as a key benefit of cauliflower because of its ability to improve DNA methylation (which keeps cells healthy). This leads to improved blood pressure and kidney functions.

2. Digestive Support

Not only does cauliflower contain fiber (1 cup of boiled cauliflower provides us 12% of our daily fiber intake), but it also contains glucoraphanin (which is particular to broccoli and cauliflower). Glucoraphanin is a precursor to the aforementioned sulforaphane. A study published in 2009 in the publication (Cancer Prevention Research) indicated that there are digestive benefits from glucoraphanin, particularly its effect on the stomach lining by guarding against harmful bacteria such as Helicobacter Pylori.


3. Cancer

It seems weird to mention this after mentioning cauliflowers' lack of chlorophyll, but two phytochemicals present in cauliflower — sulforaphane (there it is again) plus indole-3-carbinol (I3C) — have several cancer-fighting properties. A 2008 study published in Carcinogenesisindicated I3C reduced chemically induced mammary tumors in animals. I3C has also shown an ability to increase our body’s production of beneficial enzymes that clean out our body of carcinogens and toxins. It is also an anti-inflammatory agent.

4. Vitamin C

You can consume 100% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C with 1 cup of boiled cauliflower.

5. Boost Brain Activity

Like its cousin broccoli, cauliflower is a natural source of the B vitamin choline (a precursor to acetylcholine). One of the main neurotransmitters in our body and brain is acetylcholine. Patients who have low levels of acetylcholine often have reduced blood vessel growth in their brains. A study published in the Journal of American College of Nutrition highlighted a study where pregnant rats were fed choline supplements. As a result, their offspring had increased cognitive abilities for their entire lives!


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