13 Health Benefits of Infusing Dried Figs in Olive Oil + How to Make Figs In Olive Oil

The recipe for figs in olive oil comes from the coastal regions, and it's a wonderful, all-natural treatment for many ailments, including:
  • stomach issues
  • hemorrhoids
  • constipation
  • elevated cholesterol
  • anemia
  • both bronchitis and asthma
  • and infertility as well

Some ladies claim that using this natural cure made them more fertile.

13 Health Benefits of Infusing Dried Figs in Olive Oil + How to Make Figs In Olive Oil

Health Benefits of Infusing Dried Figs in Olive Oil

1-Figs is one of the highest plant sources of calcium which is an excellent alternative for the therapeutic treatment of people who are allergic to dairy products.

2-Fig fruit is rich in dietary fiber, because of this, it may have a laxative effect. And they’re effective in promoting weight loss too.

3-Figs are a great source of potassium, which helps to regulate blood pressure and other important bodily functions. Omega 3 and Omega 6 they contain help to maintain blood pressure and coronary heart attacks as well.

4-Dried figs are at the top of the dried fruit list for phenol antioxidant levels. One study found that eating just two medium-dried figs caused a significant increase in antioxidant activity in the body.

5-Figs are alkaline producing, helping the body achieve and maintain a disease-free healthy life.

6-Fig is an effective remedy to increase sexual weakness. Soak 4-5 figs in milk overnight and eat in the morning to overcome weakness.

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7-Figs have anti-aging properties, and they are especially good for treating acne. Apply mashed fresh figs all over your face and let it dry for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

8-According to a study, figs are able to cure kidney stones. Boil 6 figs in a cup of water. Consume this daily for up to a month to remove kidney stones. (How to Pass Kidney Stones Fast at Home Naturally)

9-It’s well known that fig leaves can be consumed for anti-diabetic properties, they lower the amount of insulin required by diabetics.

10-You can relieve constipation by consuming 2-3 soaked dried figs with a tablespoon of honey, keep using this for a month every morning.

11-Tryptophan in figs helps you get good sleep and helps get rid of sleep disorders such as insomnia.

12-Figs contain a good amount of Vitamin C which helps to lighten and even out the skin tone. They are also loaded with anti-oxidants that give you healthy and glowing skin.

13-Figs are high in vitamin B6, which has long been thought to be beneficial in treating morning sickness.

Recipe for dried figs in olive oil - How to Make Figs In Olive Oil

Recipe for dried figs in olive oil - How to Make Figs In Olive Oil  

This is what you need and what you have to do if you want to enjoy the health benefits of infusing dried figs in olive oil:

  • 40 pieces high quality dried figs
  • Olive oil
  • Put the dried figs in a jar and then pour olive oil onto the top of the jar.

How long to soak dried figs in olive oil?

Your figs should soak up a lot of olive oil throughout the 40 days that you keep it closed.

Before every meal, consume one fig.

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