The Alkaline Environment: How Well Do You Know Your Body?

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The health of a cell, its ability to replicate, communicate, and subsequently our overall health in general depend on the delivery of adequate amounts of vital nutrients to the cell and equally as important, the environment (extracellular fluid) in which the cell is operating.


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The environment must be conducive or friendly to the promotion of health, and unfriendly to the development and proliferation of disease. Diseases thrive in an acidic, low oxygen environment. A mild alkaline pH solution has available over 100 times as much oxygen as a mild acidic solution. Diseases do not thrive in such an environment.

Why has this information been kept on the sidelines?

The normal pH range of the blood is between 7.35 and 7.45 with the optimum pH level being approximately 7.4. This blood pH level of 7.4 is so important for the optimum health of the cells and
subsequently the entire body. The body possesses buffering systems that strive to ensure the maintenance of this pH level. When nutrient deficiencies occur, causing the blood pH to fall below the optimum level, the body will begin to pull calcium and other pH buffering agents from the tissues and other areas of the body such as bones, leading to osteoporosis. The body will take these desperate measures depleting other areas of calcium and essential nutrients in order to maintain the optimum blood pH.


If your body is forced to pull calcium and other essential nutrients from any other part of the body to supply the blood, this causes depletion of those essential nutrients from those areas, potentially
leading to degenerative disease. Unless you are ingesting sufficient amounts of minerals including calcium, it is impossible for your body to maintain optimum pH levels. If these deficiencies of minerals and calcium persist over an extended period of time, you have the biochemical basis or biological environment for premature aging and chronic degenerative disease.

Diseases do not thrive or spread in an oxygen-rich, alkaline extracellular environment. Some of the most powerful disease causing bacteria are anaerobic organisms which thrive in an oxygen poor environment. Adequate oxygen levels present in the blood and cellular fluids prohibit these harmful bacteria from surviving.

Cancer cell metabolism is a fermentation process that does not require free oxygen. Fermentation is a process of cellular energy production in an anaerobic environment (with reduced oxygen present).
In an alkaline environment with the presence of adequate oxygen levels, fermentation does not occur. Anaerobic metabolism’s by-product is acid.
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All cells and tissues depend on an alkaline environment containing an adequate supply of oxygen. The main reason poor circulation is such a problem is because of the cellular damage it causes due to the lack of oxygen delivered to the tissues. In heart attack or stroke for instance, the cells of the heart or brain die due to a lack of oxygen.


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An alkaline environment of 7.4 is ideal for optimum health. Based on numerous studies, Aloe vera components, numerous phytonutrients, most minerals, and particularly calcium have a buffering or alkalizing effect on the body. In other words, they reduce the excess acidity of the body.

Short of The Establishment’s misinformation campaign, how did we slip into the age of disease? In short, mineral and nutrient deficiencies promote lower pH average values, higher acidity, lower levels of cellular function and communication, and higher levels of disease and deterioration. The aging process is accelerated and the life-span shortened.


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