5 Food Rules for a Long, Healthy Life: How To Live Long Without Disease

How to live long life without disease

We all want to attain good health and long life despite our lifestyle.

Who doesn’t want to enjoy a long, healthy and wholesome life, devoid of physical or mental exhaustions and ailments? Naturally, we all do, but the aging process doesn’t let that happen for every day our body becomes frailer and it becomes increasingly sensitive and vulnerable towards allergies, infections and ailments.

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However, this scenario can be easily changed by changing one’s eating habits, and devouring as many nutrients as one can. For it is only nature that holds the secret potion for a healthy, vital, and energetic long life.

If you want to spend a healthy and long life, you need to start by examining your eating habits, and changing all the unhealthy patterns and diets that you’ve been enjoying all this time. It will take time, effort and patience, but if you keep your mind focused on a wholesome lifestyle, you’ll definitely create it for yourself.

All you need is a set of key healthy eating guidelines to create a well-balanced and wholesome diet that will promote a healthy mind and body, and a long lifespan.

Here, take a look at 5 essential rules of a long and healthy life:

1. More Plant-Based Meals

There is an abundance of research that directly associates a wholesome plant-based diet and lesser meat consumption with a healthy body, strong immune system and a long lifespan.

Fruits, vegetables and herbs are brimming with a wondrous assortment of all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, magnesium, or potassium, which nature have to offer. READ (About Balanced Plants Based Menu)

                  Food Rules for a Long Life

The only way to devour these nutrients is by eating plant-based meals. Several studies have highlighted the role of consuming vegetables and fruits in reducing the risk factors of countless diseases, particularly heart ailments, strokes and several kinds of cancer. Moreover, a daily diet of fruits and veggies is the best trick to enjoy a healthy and long life.

A recent study examined the meat consuming habits of several individuals. The results revealed that the participants who ate meat even less than once a week cut down their risk for dying due to medical ailments as opposed to those who ate meat regularly. But if you’re a big fan of meat you don’t have to cut it out entirely, just stay away from fat-rich varieties, such as red meat and pork.

READ MORE: Why Am I Always Sick?

2. Eat Whole Foods

The best and healthiest habit that you can possibly adopt is avoiding all kinds of processed and packaged meals, and replacing them with nutrient-rich whole foods and meals. Basically, whole foods are the items that contain one ingredient, or they have been refined to as tiny as particles can possibly be. The most important aspect to remember is the fact that whole foods do not contain a single trace of fat, salt or carbohydrates.

Whole wheat bread flour

Research reveals that the healthiest populations from all over the world have one aspect in common: they eat basic foods with easily recognizable ingredients, and they also pick out farm-fresh ingredients as opposed to processed and factory-made produce. In simpler words, always rely on nature to fix up your daily meals, pick out natural and organic products, as steer clear of foods that drive you away from nature.

So, the trick is to stock up your pantry with plenty of fruits, veggies, nuts, legumes, and whole grains instead of processed food items, frozen meals, sugary drinks, donuts and processed meats.

3. Say No to Sugar!

Statistics reveal that Americans have an alarming consumption of sugar, which mostly comes from processed foods, packaged meals and treats with heaps of added sugar, for instance candies, brownies, sodas, fizzy drinks, cookies, bakery cakes and other delicacies.

All these sugar-rich delights are horrifyingly dangerous for they cut short our life span and put us at risk for suffering from life threatening ailments, such as diabetes, heart diseases, cancers and countless others. And the only way to steer clear of these ailments and create a wholesome and healthy lifestyle is to cut down sugar, completely.

A recent study examined the reasons behind nearly 180,000 deaths related to excessive weight gain and obesity, and shockingly enough, several causes were directly associated with the excessive consumption of sugary drinks. It is crucial for all of us to reduce our intake of sugar.
Research reveals that the daily recommended dosage of sugar for men should be no more than 9 tsps. While women should limit themselves to six tsps. Remember, less sugar is essential for a long life and good health.

                           Food Rules for healthy life

4. Drink Healthy

The secret to a healthy and wholesome life is to steer clear of all sugar-rich sodas, processed juices, fizzy drinks and bottled beverages. Instead, quench your thirst with water, fresh juices etc

There is an abundance of research that highlights numerous benefits of consuming plenty of water, because the aging process causes the body to become excessively dehydrated. Similarly, consuming green tea brims up the body with an incredibly nutritious assortment of antioxidants. Several studies have examined the benefits of green, and they have widely associated with a reduction in the symptoms of several types of cancers, and a reduction in the risk factors contributing to heart ailments.

5. Crunchy Nuts

Nuts make the healthiest snacks for a delicious nutrient-rich crunch. An extensive study examined effect of nuts upon our daily diets and health.

When you’re reaching for a healthy snack, nuts are one of the best bets. Blue Zone residents were found to eat nuts regularly, and a one study found that participants who ate a handful of nuts daily were less likely to die for any reason over a three-decade period.

Dieticians and nutritionists all over the globe recommend the daily consumption of mixed nuts, in mindful servings that should be no more than ounce, as the healthiest habit for a long and wholesome life.


Several studies have validated the claim that individuals who devour more nuts, a daily serving at least 7 times each week, are highly likely to live longer as opposed to those who eat less nuts or don’t eat them at all.

Follow those 5 tips for healthy living and long life.

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